Intrigued by the cacophony, I went down and saw that a group of them took shelter inside the compound of a neighbour, whose wife wears a Blue cross badge and takes it on her to be the sole protector of these species. The duty bound corporation workers met more than their match in this women. There were raised voices all around and I had to walk across the road and explain to her that these dogs will not be laid to sleep but will be let lose again on the poor citizens after sterilization to control their population. It took another couple of senior citizens to placate the lady and allow the workers into the compound to round off the strays in question. Till then bolstered by the feminine support, they were at their wits end to understand the sudden change in heart of their protector. Casting a pathetic look at her, they were taken away by the corporation staff in the van, which has a bold Red letters sprawling over it's sides , proclaiming that it belongs to 'Stray dog population control Team"(?) in the vernacular.
Talking about canine lovers, It is understandable to have pets, which in some cases ( or is it in most cases?) lead a life that is the envy of human beings. You shower love on them and they reciprocate with pure ,unadulterated love. But,the inclusion of these shaggy strays which are a menace with dreadful disease like rabies etc., is beyond my comprehension. There were many instances of these dogs attacking and killing infants in the outskirts of the city. I think then that these activists take things a little too far.
But again I have come across a news item ( not one but two)that baffled me. A man married a stray dog in Chennai!! And second item is that a 7-year old girl in eastern India also married a dog! In both the cases it is to ward off the evil eye!!
Can you believe it? No? Then see these snaps.

Well,enough of the canine talk( or is it bark?) and their weddings.
Bye and keep smiling till next time....
As they say, it happens only in India. :-)Interesting pictures.
Thank you for your comment on my post and good luck to your son on his attempt of securing admission to INSEAD. It is a fabulous institute.
Great post You are an amazing storyteller. I find it sometimes scary how some people are far more concerned about their pets than other people.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I love you writting, keep up with the interesting blogs.
Sometimes, I think, that dogs are just more affectionate than the people that are dealt with.
I know that in a wildly famous book about dealing with people, it tells us to look at the dog and how it interacts with people. How the dog does not ask for anything, but how the dog always is good to its owner..
Maybe that is what these people see, maybe they were shunned once too often.. I dunno... I'm reaching...???
Have a good one, my friend..Kayce
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